The Seed to any Strength is
Inborn Talent
What is DNA?
DNA is the blueprint of life, passed down from one generation to another. Present in all living organisms, such as virus, bacteria, animals, plants and human.
There are more than 20,000 genes that determine all traits in human body. External traits include hair colour, facial feature, height. Internal traits include inborn talents, health risks and nutritional needs.
DNA testing is the most accurate way to understand our children thoroughly, helping them to unleash their full potential in life.
DNA vs Talents
Every child is born a genius, have you discovered their hidden talents?
Some are gifted in music; some display excellent artistic potentials; while others are dyslexic; or having awkward body coordination. Everyone is unique. These inborn talents or potential weaknesses are determined by our genetic.
Dr Steven Pinker
Department Of Psychology, Harvard University
3 Simple Steps
to Conduct a DNA Test
No blood. No pain. Only cheek cells needed.
At the comfort of your home.